EEM - Industrial Electronics Tech (EEM)

EEM 105  Basic Electricity  2 SHC  

This course is a survey of basic electrical principles, circuits, and measurements.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 117  AC/DC Circuits I  4 SHC  

This course is a study of direct and alternating theory, Ohm's law, series, parallel, and combination circuits. Circuits are constructed and tested.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

EEM 118  AC/DC Circuits II  4 SHC  

This course is a continuation of the study of direct and alternating current theory to include circuit analysis using mathematics and verified with electrical measurements.

Prerequisites: EEM 117.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

EEM 140  National Electrical Code  3 SHC  

This course is a study of the National Electrical Code and is based on the latest codes as published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Prerequisites: EEM 117.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

EEM 151  Motor Controls I  4 SHC  

This course is an introduction to motor controls, including a study of the various control devices and wiring used in industrial processes.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 162  Introduction to Process Control  3 SHC  

This course is an introduction to control systems theory and process control characteristics.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 170  Electrical Installation  3 SHC  

This course covers electrical wiring techniques commonly used in commercial, industrial, and residential wiring.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 200  Semiconductor Devices  4 SHC  

This course is a study of solid state devices such as FETs, Op Amps and the thyristor family.

Prerequisites: EEM 117.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 231  Digital Circuits I  3 SHC  

This course is a study of the logic elements, mathematics, components, and circuits utilized in digital equipment. Emphasis is placed on the function and operation of digital integrated circuit devices.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 241  Microprocessor I  3 SHC  

This course is an introduction to basic microprocessor concepts such as microprocessor structure, numbering systems, computer arithmetic, programming, architecture, and basic interfacing techniques.

Prerequisites: EEM 231.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

EEM 251  Programmable Controllers  3 SHC  

This course is an introduction to programmable control systems with emphasis on basic programming techniques. A variety of input/output devices and their applications are covered.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3