Campus Safety and Security

Located in the L building, the Campus Police and Security team works hard to maintain a safe and secure campus for students, employees and guests of the college. They provide services such as:

  • First Aid
  • Safety Escorts
  • Investigation of crimes
  • Emergency phone response
  • Emergency alert notification

For immediate assistance from a Campus Police and Security Officer, please call (864) 941-8000. The public may call the Crime Prevention Hotline at (864) 941-8745 to report criminal, safety, or related information 24 hours a day. Additional information about the services above are available at Students are responsible for their personal equipment and property. Piedmont Technical College does not assume responsibility for stolen articles. Equipment and vehicles should be kept locked at all times. To report missing items, please contact the Campus Police and Security office. The courtesy phones on campus are for the convenience of all students. Calls by students on office phones are not authorized. Students who withdraw from all classes will not be allowed access to the college unless they have legitimate business on the premises. 

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), as part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student-aid programs are subject to this requirement. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to:

  • Publish an annual report disclosing campus security policies and documenting three previous calendar years of select campus crime statistics.
  • Provide crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Issue timely warnings about Clery Act crimes which pose a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees.
  • Keep a public crime log accessible to the public.
  • Uphold basic rights for survivors of sexual assault.

Campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics include those reported to the Piedmont Technical College Police Department, those designated as Campus Security Authorities, and law enforcement agencies who provide services to Piedmont Technical College-owned and leased properties. For an updated list of these individuals, visit

Campus Police and Security Policies

Carrying or Possession of Weapons Prohibited on Campus

It is unlawful for a person to carry onto any premises, property owned or operated or controlled by a private or public school, college, university, technical college, other postsecondary institution, or any public building a firearm of any kind (guards, law enforcement, military excluded). This prohibition does not extend to Concealed Weapon Permit holders when the weapon remains inside an attended or locked motor vehicle and is secured in a closed glove compartment, closed console, closed trunk, or in a closed container secured by an integral fastener and transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. Refer to S.C. Code Ann. § 16-23-420(A), 16-23-430(B), and 23-31-215(M). It is unlawful for any person (law enforcement and authorized officials excluded) to carry on his person, while on any school or college property, a knife with a blade over two inches long, a blackjack, a metal pipe or pole, firearms or any other type of weapon, device or object which may be used to inflict bodily injury or death.

Emergency Alert System

The PTC Alert system allows Piedmont Technical College officials to send emergency messages via all college-owned computers currently attached to the network, through cell phones via text messaging, and through email. This system will be tested monthly and will only be used to communicate during emergencies. The system allows students who provide a cell phone number to be reached during emergencies via text messaging even if they’re not on campus. Piedmont Tech will provide additional information as needed via the college website, PTC Pathway, and media outlets.

Policy for the Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs

It is the policy of the South Carolina Technical College System to provide a drug-free, healthy, safe, and secure work and educational environment. Employees and students are required and expected to report to work, class, or student activities in appropriate mental and physical condition to meet the requirements and expectations of their respective roles.

The South Carolina Technical College System prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of narcotics, drugs, other controlled substances, or alcohol at the workplace and in the educational setting. Unlawful, for these purposes, means in violation of federal/state/local regulations, policy, procedures, rules, as well as legal statutes. Workplace means either on agency premises or while conducting agency business away from the agency premises. Educational setting includes both institutional premises and on approved educational sites off campus. In order to prevent the consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse at the workplace and in the educational setting, the South Carolina Technical College System has implemented this policy to ensure a drug-free work and educational environment. The South Carolina Technical College System recognizes that chemical dependency through use of controlled or uncontrolled substances, including alcohol, is a treatable illness. The agency supports and recommends employee and student rehabilitation and assistance programs. The system strongly encourages employees and students to use such programs.

All locations will also implement drug-free awareness programs for employees and students. Such programs will annually ensure that employees and students are aware that:

  • Alcohol and other drug abuse at the workplace and in the educational setting is dangerous because it leads to physical impairment, loss of judgment, safety violations, the risk of injury, poor health, or death. Information on health risks and effects of controlled substances and alcohol will be provided to students and employees.
  • Alcohol and other drug abuse can also significantly lower performance on the job and in the classroom, thus impacting the agency and the college mission as well as seriously affecting educational and career goals of the student.
  • Employees must report any personal conviction under a criminal drug statute for conduct at the workplace to the Human Resources Office within five days.
  • It is a condition of employment and admission that all employees and students must abide by the policy on alcohol and other drug use as well as related procedures, statements, laws and guidelines. Violation of any provisions may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion, respectively, and may have further legal consequences consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. Additionally, management may require an employee or student enter an employee/student assistance or drug rehabilitation program as a condition of employment or enrollment.
  • Use of employee assistance programs, student assistance programs, or drug/alcohol rehabilitation is encouraged.

Severe Weather Policy

PTC is committed to providing a safe and secure campus for students, employees and visitors. To that end, college personnel will take appropriate actions to prevent conditions that could result in the harm of lives and/or property.

WATCH means that conditions are present for severe weather to develop, e.g. thunderstorm or tornado.

WARNING means that severe weather is imminent and that a tornado or funnel cloud, for example, has been sighted. When a warning is issued, students will be directed to the many Shelters in Place areas throughout campus. Shelters in Place areas are interior classrooms, offices or hallways that do not have windows or outside doorways. Students should NOT attempt to leave campus during this period.

When weather conditions return to normal, students, faculty, and staff will be directed to return to their classrooms and offices.

In the case of severe weather conditions during the night, such as snow and ice, the college will notify students in several ways. Visit for full details.

Student ID

College policy requires that persons on campus be enrolled as students, employed by the institution or have other legitimate business on the premises. To ensure enforcement of this policy, Campus Police and Security staff members are empowered by the administration to make periodic identity checks. Picture identification cards should be worn on the exterior clothing of all students, faculty and staff.

Tobacco Use Policy

It is the policy of Piedmont Technical College that the use of tobacco, tobacco products and electronic smoking devices is prohibited while on any property or facility owned or under direct control of the college. Violations could result in a $25 citation and a referral to the Associate Dean of Students.

Vehicle Registration and Decals

Motor vehicles operated on the Lex Walters Campus-Greenwood and county campuses must be registered with the Campus Police and Security Office. Registration decals are available from the Enrollment Center or at county campuses at no cost to the student. Please see the map on the back of this handbook for designated parking areas. Parking tickets may be issued for all parking violations, including parking in unauthorized areas. Fines will be paid at the Business Office. Disputed citations may be appealed to the Traffic Citation Appeals Committee. Appeal forms can be obtained from the Campus Police and Security Office. The committee will meet once a month or as required by volume of appeals.

Harassment and Sexual Assault Information

Piedmont Technical College is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive campus for all faculty, staff and students. The college affirms the principle that individuals have the right to be free from any form of harassment. Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based upon a person’s sex, color, race, religion, national origin, age, disability or other protected status. Piedmont Technical College will not tolerate harassing conduct that interferes unreasonably with a student’s educational process; an individual’s work performance; or that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive campus environment. Further, Piedmont Technical College does not tolerate acts of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment and sexual assault.


Sexual harassment includes: unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; and other physical, verbal or visual conduct based on sex. Definitions may be found at

Harassment & Sexual Assault Reporting Procedures

If a student or employee wishes to report dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, he/she may report it to Campus Police and Security for appropriate follow-up. If a student wishes to report sexual harassment and/or sexual assault, he/she may report it to the Office of Student Affairs in 239-A. If an employee wishes to report sexual harassment and/or sexual assault, he/she may report it to the Vice President of Human Resources in 158-A ([email protected]). Once a report is received, a preliminary investigation will be conducted to determine appropriate follow-up and violations of PTC’s policies and procedures, if any. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent that the institution can still provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, faculty, staff and administrators. PTC Polices and Procedures which relate to this information can be found at

Victim Assistance

Campus Police and Security will assist victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking with transportation to the nearest designated treatment center, if necessary. The college will provide victims with counseling and information about victim support services. The college will grant victims’ requests for reasonable and appropriate alternative accommodations to allay their security and safety concerns. Possible accommodations may include alternative classes, campus relocation, work reassignments, and/or schedule changes. The victim may choose to exercise the option to file formal disciplinary actions against the alleged assailant under the Student Code and the Student Grievance Procedure.

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary actions imposed for sexual assault and sexual harassment offenses vary according to the severity of the conduct and may include expulsion of a student or termination of employment for a faculty or staff member. Due process under established college disciplinary procedures will be afforded all parties. Both the complainant and the accused have the right to counsel, but solely for offering advice. Both parties will be notified of the resolution of any disciplinary proceedings and both parties have the right to appeal. All procedures are found in the Student Code Procedures for Addressing Alleged Acts of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.

Campus Contacts

If you find yourself a victim, or witness to, an act of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or sexual assault, you may notify any faculty or staff member or one of the following:

  • Campus Police and Security: (864) 941-8000
  • Office of Student Affairs: (864) 941-8359
  • Vice President of Human Resources: (864) 941-8611

Educational Programs

Piedmont Technical College provides programming to enhance the awareness and prevention of sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Designated staff members and community experts give presentations and provide resources on request.

Notification to Students

At the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, the Vice President of Student Affairs will send an email to every student with links to information on available counseling, health, and legal services for students as well as options that are available for academic accommodations.