Student Instructional Complaint/Appeal Process

Complaint Process

From time to time, issues may arise which result in a student having a complaint about the instruction or grades received during a course. In all instances, the student should seek resolution with his/her faculty member directly within 15 instructional days of the date the issue occurred. If a student is unable to resolve the concern after working with the instructor, the formal complaint process may be initiated.

This formal process provides a system by which a student can make a complaint concerning (1) instruction during a course, (2) faculty conduct, or (3) course grades.

To initiate a formal instructional complaint, begin by completing the form available at within 15 instructional days of seeking resolution with the faculty member. Contact information is available on the college directory webpage.

Following investigation of the complaint, an instructor’s supervisor or designee will make a decision. In cases where an academic dean is not the direct supervisor of the instructor in question, the appropriate dean or designee will sign-off on the decision before the supervisor provides a written response to the student making the complaint. The supervisor has 10 instructional weekdays (days that classes are in session) to provide a written response to a student’s complaint. In rare circumstances, additional time may be required to fully investigate or resolve the complaint in a satisfactory manner. If additional time is warranted, the student will be informed of the revised timeline by the supervisor.

Appeal Process

If the student feels that due process was not followed, or believes their complaint was unjustly denied, the appeal process may be used to challenge the decision reached during the complaint process. An appeal must be submitted within 10 instructional weekdays (days that classes are in session) following the decision made in the complaint process, unless the person filing the appeal demonstrates that exceptional circumstances prevented filing the appeal within this time period.

The student filing the appeal should use the form available at, and should submit the form to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Upon receiving the appeal, the Vice President will have 10 instructional weekdays (days that classes are in session) to respond to the appeal. The Vice President will convene and chair a committee composed of the following individuals: Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee), President’s designee, a faculty member from another academic division of the college, and a Student Affairs representative. In rare circumstances, additional time may be required to fully investigate or resolve the appeal in a satisfactory manner. If additional time is warranted, the student will be informed of the revised timeline by the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee).

Any student filing an appeal will be provided the opportunity to present a case before the committee and should be prepared to answer questions. The committee may also interview college faculty who were involved in the original decision being appealed.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) will provide the person bringing the appeal the committee’s decision in writing. This decision is final and binding.