AOT - Administrative Office Tech (AOT)
AOT 105 Keyboarding 3 SHC
This course focuses on the mastery of touch keyboarding.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 133 Professional Development 3 SHC
This course emphasizes development of personal and professional skills required of an office worker in areas such as projecting a professional image, job seeking skills, office etiquette, ethics, and time and stress management. Office skills, including proficiency in processing information, are also emphasized.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 161 Records Management 3 SHC
This course emphasizes records management functions and various types of storage methods, technology, and procedures.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 164 Medical Information Processing 3 SHC
This course emphasizes development of proficiency in producing medical documents typical of those used in health care settings.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 165 Information Processing Software 3 SHC
This course includes applications of information processing software. Emphasis is placed on functions for acceptable document formatting and processing.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 180 Customer Service 3 SHC
This course is a study of issues in the workplace relating to effective customer service. The course includes topics such as oral, written, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, effective telephone techniques and cultural diversity in the workplace.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 196 Office Confidentiality and Security 3 SHC
This course is the study of legal issues encountered in the office environment to include accessibility, interviewing, HIPAA, and other rules as they apply to specific types of offices. Office security issues and basic response to crisis are also reviewed.
Prerequisites: CPT 101.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 212 Medical Document Production 3 SHC
This course covers the production of documents found in medical offices. The major focus is on productivity and excellence in medical document production.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 252 Medical Systems and Procedures 3 SHC
This course emphasizes development of proficiency in integrating skills commonly performed in medical offices.
Prerequisites: AOT 164.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 253 Legal Systems and Procedures 3 SHC
This course emphasizes development of proficiency in integrating knowledge and skills performed in legal offices.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
AOT 255 Senior Practicum 3 SHC
This course includes practical experience in an approved office setting as well as class meetings. Emphasis is placed on such topics as career planning, ethics, attitude, and other subjects which enhance employability skills.
Concurrent Prerequisite: CPT 270.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0