ARV - Art (Visual) (ARV)
ARV 110 Computer Graphics I 3 SHC
This course is a study of the fundamentals of computer assisted graphic design using Adobe Creative Cloud.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 114 Photography I 3 SHC
This course is a study of the principles, terminology, techniques, tools and materials of basic photography.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 120 Drawing 3 SHC
This course covers basic principles, techniques and tools of drawing for advertising.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 121 Design 3 SHC
This course covers basic theories, vocabulary, principles, techniques, media and problem solving in basic design.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 123 Composition and Color 3 SHC
This course covers the investigation and application of principles and concepts of visual organization and the psychological and physical properties of color.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
ARV 124 Sequential Drawing 3 SHC
This course is the study of the basic principles, techniques and tools of creating sequential drawings for illustration and animation.
Prerequisites: ARV 120.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 125 Drawing for Animators 3 SHC
This course introduces students to the basic elements of gesture drawing, quick sketch, volume, and depth techniques to capture action and attitude. Drawing for weight, force, thought, emotion and movement is stressed.
Prerequisites: ARV 120.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 161 Visual Communication Media 3 SHC
This course is an introduction to the theory, psychology, principles and practices of major visual communications media.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
ARV 162 Graphic Reproduction I 3 SHC
This course is a study of the principles and practices used in print preparation and print reproduction.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 214 Photography II 3 SHC
This course covers advanced projects in photography, including studio work.
Prerequisites: ARV 114.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 215 Photography III 3 SHC
This course incorporates advanced projects in photography, including studio and lab work.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 222 Computer Animation 3 SHC
This course introduces techniques of creating the illusion of motion and three-dimensional space.
Prerequisites: ARV 125.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
ARV 261 Advertising Design I 3 SHC
This course is an introduction to the advertising arts, including the principles, techniques, media, tools and skills used in the visual communication field. Students will focus on print, web, and broadcast media.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 262 Advertising Design II 3 SHC
This course covers advanced knowledge, practices and skills in the visual communication field. Students will focus on print, web and broadcast media.
Prerequisites: ARV 261.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3
ARV 265 Graphics Arts Portfolio 1 SHC
This course covers the development of strategies for entering the graphic arts industry and refining portfolios and resumes to meet professional standards.
Prerequisites: Student must have completed a minimum of 24 hours in primary certificate or associate degree with ARV 110, ARV 121, ARV 161, ARV 162, ARV 266, and CGC 106.
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
ARV 266 Seminar in Graphics Art 3 SHC
This course offers an introduction to contemporary topics and issues in graphic design. Students will study the influences of the past such as Art Deco, and Art Nouveau.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
ARV 282 SCWE in Digital Arts 6 SHC
This course integrates digital arts skills within an approved worksite relating to the digital arts industry.
Lecture Hours: 0
Lab/Clinical Hours: 18