FSE - Funeral Services (FSE)

FSE 101  Introduction to Funeral Services  2 SHC  

This course covers the history, principles and practices of funeral services, with attention to the fundamental skills, knowledge, ethics, aptitudes, and obligations of a funeral service professional in the United States.

Prerequisites: Admission into the program.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

FSE 112  Anatomy and Physiology for Funeral Services  3 SHC  

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of systemic anatomy. Emphasis is placed on the human circulatory, digestive, genitourinary, nervous and respiratory systems.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 165  Sociology of Funeral Service  2 SHC  

This course studies those social phenomenon that affect all elements of funeral services. The course includes family structure, social structures, and other factors which relate to funeralization.

Prerequisites: Admission to the program.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

FSE 205  Funeral Counseling  3 SHC  

This course emphasizes the principles and practices of funeral services counseling, including the personality and role of the counselor, counseling techniques and special considerations. The course also examines psychological concepts in the areas of grief, bereavement and mourning.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

FSE 210  Funeral Service Management and Merchandising I  3 SHC  

This course stresses application of management principles to the funeral profession. The second portion of the course covers merchandising principles and their direct application to funeral services operations. Product knowledge, pricing, presentation and merchandise control are stressed.

Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

FSE 211  Funeral Service Management and Merchandising II  2 SHC  

This course provides an advanced study of management priniciples in the funeral profession. Topics include merchandise pricing, display, presentation, and inventory control. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge to practical funeral home operations.

Prerequisites: FSE 210.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

FSE 213  Microbiology and Pathology for Funeral Service  3 SHC  

This course is a basic study of microbiology, pathology, and related funeral service issues. Emphasis is placed on diseases, sanitation, disinfection, public health and embalming practices as it relates to microorganisms, and the human body.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 215  Funeral Service Directing  3 SHC  

This course covers the funeral services procedures, practices, and customs of various religions and groups in the United States, as well as the techniques and considerations needed in conducting such services.

Prerequisites: Admission into the program.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 216  Funeral Directing II  2 SHC  

This course provides advanced study of procedures for directing funeral services. Topics include increased emphasis on practices and customs of various religions or groups that may be encountered by a funeral director. Students will learn how to conduct funeral services for diverse populations.

Prerequisites: FSE 215.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3

FSE 220  Regulatory Compliance  3 SHC  

This course covers the legal aspects of the funeral service industry as it relates to mortuary and business law. Emphasis will be placed on the judicial system, statutes, regulations, and ethical behaviors of funeral directors and embalmers.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

FSE 225  Principles of Embalming I  3 SHC  

This course is an introduction to the embalming process. Topics include post mortem changes, legal aspects, instruments, equipment and chemicals related to embalming.

Prerequisites: FSE 112 and FSE 213.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 226  Principles of Embalming II  3 SHC  

This course is the study of different embalming procedures using case analysis applications. Topics include the preparation of the body for disposition, preparation for shipping of a body domestically or internationally and preparation of the body for alternative burial.

Prerequisites: FSE 225.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 240  Restorative Art I  3 SHC  

This course examines the techniques of restorative art that include anatomical modeling, expressions and familiarization with instruments and materials.

Prerequisites: FSE 112, and FSE 213.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 241  Restorative Art II  3 SHC  

This course provides practical application of restorative art procedures.

Prerequisites: FSE 240.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 6

FSE 300  National Board Preparations  2 SHC  

This course provides an overview of funeral service practices and procedures. Upon completion, students will be prepared to take the Funeral Service National and/or State Board Examinations. Note: This course is to be taken during the last semester before graduation.

Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 3