HIS - History (HIS)

HIS 101  Western Civilization to 1689  3 SHC  

This course is a survey of Western Civilization from Ancient times to 1689, including the major political, social, economic and intellectual factors shaping Western cultural tradition.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

HIS 102  Western Civilization Post 1689  3 SHC  

This course is a survey of Western Civilization from 1689 to the present, including major political, social, economic and intellectual factors that shape the modern Western world.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

HIS 115  African-American History  3 SHC  

This course is a study of the history of African-Americans, including African heritage, American history and significant contributions by individuals or groups.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

HIS 201  American History : Discovery to 1877  3 SHC  

This course is a survey of U.S. history from discovery to 1877. This course includes political, social, economic and intellectual developments during this period.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

HIS 202  American History : 1877 to Present  3 SHC  

This course is a survey of U.S. history from 1877 to the present. This course includes political, social, economic and intellectual developments during this period.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0