MAT - Mathematics (MAT)
MAT 010 Developmental Mathematics - Basics - Compressed 1 SHC
This course provides a review in a compressed time frame of the basic arithmetic skills studied in MAT 031. Successful completion of this course allows a student to enroll in MAT 032. This course is the co-requisite support course for MAT 170.
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 013 Developmental Mathematics - Compressed 1 SHC
This course provides a review, in a compressed time frame, of arithmetic skills, measurement and geometry, basic algebra concepts and data analysis skills studied in MAT 032. Successful completion of this course allows a student to exit Developmental Mathematics. This course is the co-requisite support course for MAT 155.
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 019 Developmental Mathematics Workshop I 2 SHC
This course provides a study of basic concepts and application to real-world problem solving (may include but not limited to laboratory work, technology and/or projects). This course is the co-requisite support course for MAT 120.
Corequisites: MAT 120.
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 033 Developmental Mathematics Compressed 3 SHC
This course includes the study of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, rational numbers, ratios, percents, proportions, measurement, basic statistics, geometry, and basic algebra. Concepts are applied to real-world problem solving and application skills are emphasized. Non-degree credit. This course is the co-requisite support course for MAT 110.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 101 Beginning Algebra 3 SHC
This course includes the study of rational numbers and their applications, operations with algebraic expressions, linear equations and applications, linear inequalities, graphs of linear equations, operations with exponents and polynomials, and factoring.
Prerequisites: Appropriate placement test scores.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 110 College Algebra 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices, determinants; and solutions of higher degree polynomials.
Prerequisites: Appropriate placement scores.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 111 College Trigonometry 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, solution of right and oblique triangles, solution of trigonometric equations, polar coordinates; complex numbers including Demoivre's theorem, vectors, conic sections, sequences and series, and parametric equations.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 110 or appropriate placement test scores. (Prerequisite: College Algebra.)
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 120 Probability and Statistics 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: introductory probability and statistics including organization of data, sample space concepts, random variables, counting problems, binomial and normal distribution, central limit theorem, confidence intervals and test hypotheses for large and small samples, types I and II errors, linear regression and correlation.
Concurrent Prerequisite: MAT 019 or appropriate placement scores.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 122 Finite College Mathematics 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: logic; sets; Venn diagrams; counting problems; probability; matrices; systems of equations; linear programming; including the simplex method and applications; graphs; and networks.
Prerequisites: MAT 110 or appropriate placement test scores. (Prerequisite: a college algebra course.)
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 130 Elementary Calculus 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: differentiation and integration of polynomials; rational, logarithmic and exponential functions; and interpretation and application of these processes.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 110 or appropriate placement scores. (Prerequisite: College Algebra.)
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 140 Analytical Geometry and Calculus I 4 SHC
This course includes the following topics: derivative and integrals of polynomials, rational, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions; curve sketching; maxima and minima of functions; related rates; work; and analytic geometry.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 111 or appropriate placement scores. (Prerequisite: a college algebra course and college trigonometry course or pre-calculus.)
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 141 Analytical Geometry and Calculus II 4 SHC
This course includes the following topics: continuation of calculus of one variable, to include analytic geometry; techniques of integration; volumes by integration and other applications; infinite series including Taylor series; and improper integrals.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 140. (Prerequisite: Analytical Geometry and Calculus I.)
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 155 Contemporary Mathematics 3 SHC
This course includes techniques and applications of the following topics: properties of and operations with real numbers, elementary algebra, consumer mathematics, applied geometry, measurement, graph sketching and interpretations, and descriptive statistics.
Prerequisites: Appropriate placement scores.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 170 Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry I 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: elementary algebra, geometry, trigonometry and advanced applications.
Prerequisites: Appropriate placement scores.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 220 Advanced Statistics 3 SHC
This course includes the following topics: estimation of parameters; formulation and testing of hypotheses; multiple and nonlinear regression; correlation; contingency tables; analysis of variance; special distributions; and introduction to non-parametric statistics.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 120.
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 240 Analytical Geometry and Calculus III 4 SHC
This course includes the following topics: multivariable calculus, including vectors; partial derivatives and their applications to maximum and minimum problems with and without constraints; line integrals; multiple integrals in rectangular and other coordinates; and Stokes' and Green's Theorems.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 141. (Prerequisite(s): Analytical Geometry and Calculus II.)
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0
MAT 242 Differential Equations 4 SHC
This course includes the following topics: solution of linear and elementary nonlinear differential equations by standard methods with sufficient linear algebra to solve systems; applications; series; Laplace transform; and numerical methods.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MAT 240. (Prerequisite: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III.)
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0