PSY - Psychology (PSY)

PSY 103  Human Relations  3 SHC  

This course is a study of human relations, including the dynamics of behavior, interrelationships, and personality as applied in everyday life.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

PSY 201  General Psychology  3 SHC  

This course includes the following topics and concepts in the science of behavior: scientific method, biological bases for behavior, perception, motivation, learning, memory, development, personality, abnormal behavior, therapeutic techniques, and social psychology.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

PSY 203  Human Growth and Development  3 SHC  

This course is a chronological study of the physical, cognitive and social factors affecting human growth, development and potential.

Prerequisites: PSY 201.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

PSY 210  Educational Psychology  3 SHC  

This course is the study of the teaching-learning process with emphasis on learning theory, transfer, problem solving, habit formation, individual difference and other factors that facilitate learning.

Prerequisites: PSY 201.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0

PSY 212  Abnormal Psychology  3 SHC  

This course is a study of the nature and development of behavioral disorders, including the investigation of contemporary treatment procedures, analysis of human behavior problems and identify the personal and social skills needed to deal with these problems.

Prerequisites: PSY 201.

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab/Clinical Hours: 0