Student Consumer Information

Campus Safety

Under Title II of Public Law 101-542, the college is required to provide information regarding campus police and security policies and report the number of on-campus criminal offenses during the most recent calendar year and during the two preceding calendar years.

The Campus Crime Reports are available on the Campus Police and Security Web page at

Piedmont Technical College provides students and visitors with a safe, secure environment. A crime-free environment requires the awareness and vigilance of faculty, staff, students and visitors.

Periodically, the Campus Police and Security Office schedules safety/awareness meetings to report on-campus security procedures and practices and to encourage students and employees to take responsibility for their own security and the security of others. Handouts reflecting security practices and reports of crime statistics are available.

Piedmont Technical College’s Title IX Coordinator for all student-related matters is Jalissa Adger, Dean of Students, located in the Office of Student Affairs in Room 244A. The phone number is (864) 941-8364. The Title IX Coordinator for employee-related matters is Alesia Brown, Vice President of Human Resources, located in Room 158A. The phone number is (864) 941-8611.

HEA Disclosure Information

All information required by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and amended by HEOA is available on the college website at

General Campus Services

Health and Medical Services

The college maintains a number of first aid stations for the treatment of minor injuries. These are located in:

  • Building A (Upper & Lower Levels)
  • Buildings A, E, M and R (Each Industrial Laboratory)
  • Building C (Lower Level Kitchen & Administrator’s Office)
  • Building D (Kitchen)
  • Building G (Media Center)
  • Building GA (Room 120GA Break Room)
  • Building GC (Room 109GC Kitchen)
  • Building GH (Main Classroom)
  • Building H (148H Break Room)
  • Building K (Lower 122K Kitchen, Upper 235K Kitchen)
  • Building L (Campus Police)
  • Building M (Facilities Management)
  • Building S (Room 200)
  • Building T (HVAC Office)
  • Building V (Kitchens)
  • James Medford Family Event Center

A full list of first aid and AED locations can be requested through the Campus Police Department.

First aid assistance for minor injuries can be obtained from the faculty/staff member present or by calling the Campus Police and Security Office at extension 8000. For emergency cases that cannot await referral to the student’s family physician, please call the Campus Police and Security Office at extension 8000, the central college switchboard at extension 0, and leave your telephone number. Depending on the circumstances, EMS may be called, or, if appropriate, the student may be transported to the emergency room of the nearest hospital for treatment. Physician and hospital charges will be the responsibility of the student, although in the case of injuries resulting from school-sponsored activities, college insurance may pay a portion of these costs. Students or faculty who are injured should report to the Human Resources and Campus Police and Security Offices as soon as possible after the accident to complete insurance claim forms and Personal Injury Report.

Campus Police and Security Office

The Campus Police and Security Office ensures that the proper atmosphere for maximum learning is provided through protection of student rights, property and individual freedoms while enforcing institutional policy in the areas of traffic control and crime prevention.

The office assists in emergency medical aid, emergency transportation to medical facilities, parking control and security.

College entrances are generally open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Friday. Evening classes and events will affect the closing times each semester. Special provisions are made by Campus Police and Security to assist each instructor in meeting the needs of his/her students by making lab areas available upon the instructor’s request. Access after normal hours is limited to pre-approved visits only, by notifying the Campus Police and Security personnel on duty by calling (864) 941-8000. Campus Police hours are 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 6:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Friday. Faculty and students are discouraged from being on campus when it is closed. College policy emphasizes that keys be issued on a need-to-have only basis. All keys are contained in a secure key control cabinet.

The college Campus Police and Security Office is staffed with seven full-time campus police officers, of which all are commissioned as state constables. Contract security officers are employed to provide campus safety and security during normal operating hours. You can also receive law enforcement assistance by dialing 911 at any college campus if the emergency is outside of Campus Police operating hours or if Campus Police cannot be contacted.

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to report all suspicions of, or actual occurrences of, criminal activity and other emergencies. These are to be reported to the Campus Police and Security Office located in the L Building or by telephone at (864) 941-8000 and (864) 941-8568. The public may call the Crime Prevention Hotline at (864) 941-8745 to report criminal, safety or related information 24 hours a day. Voice mail is available on this telephone line, and the information will be considered confidential and will be utilized as facts can be established. If for any reason the Campus Police and Security officer on duty cannot be contacted by use of (864) 941-8000, please call the main switchboard at (864) 941-8324 or 911. Faculty, staff and students may, at their discretion, report criminal activity to local law enforcement in the county of each respective PTC Campus location.

It is the policy of Piedmont Technical College that the sale, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on campus is prohibited, except that the president may authorize the consumption of alcoholic beverages by adult groups in accordance with PTC Policy 8-7-1050. The Campus Police and Security Department is charged with exercising appropriate enforcement authority when either college policy, county ordinances or state laws are violated. Federal violations will be investigated by the proper federal authority.

Excessive noise can result in a citation when the noise generated causes a complaint by the occupants of the campus and/or is found to be of a disruptive type or volume by the officer issuing the citation. The said noise would be of such nature as to be disruptive to the campus environment.

Security or safety needs off campus should be reported to the director of that particular campus and the Campus Police Department.

Carrying or Possession of Weapons Prohibited on Campus

“It is unlawful for a person to carry onto any premises or property owned, operated or controlled by a private or public school, college, university, technical college, other post-secondary institution or any public building a firearm of any kind (guards, law enforcement, military excluded). It is unlawful for any person (law enforcement and authorized officials excluded) to carry on his person, while on any school or college property, a knife with a blade over two inches long, a blackjack, a metal pipe or pole, firearms or any other type of weapon, device or object which may be used to inflict bodily injury or death.”

General Information on Motor Vehicles

The operation of motor vehicles on Piedmont Technical College property is a privilege granted by the governing board of the college. This right is extended to all faculty, staff, students and visitors who have business at the college. Those persons who qualify for and desire this privilege are expected to adhere to the laws of South Carolina governing the operation of motor vehicles and the motor vehicle regulations of Piedmont Technical College. Failure to comply will result in a penalty appropriate to the offense.

Vehicle Registration and Details

Motor vehicles operated on the Lex Walters Campus-Greenwood and county campuses must be registered with the Campus Police and Security Office. Registration stickers are available from the Enrollment Center or at county campuses at no cost to the student. During registration week, maps designating authorized parking areas will be distributed to all students. Parking tickets will be issued for all parking violations, including parking in unauthorized areas. Fines will be paid at the Business Office. Disputed citations may be appealed to the Traffic Citation Appeals Committee. Appeal forms can be obtained from the Campus Police and Security Office. The committee will meet once a month or as required by volume of appeals.

Tobacco Use Policy

It is the policy of Piedmont Technical College that the use of tobacco, tobacco products and electronic cigarettes are prohibited. Violations could result in a $25 citation and a referral to the Associate Dean of Students.

Parking and Traffic Violations

The following is a list of violations of PTC’s rules and regulations and state laws. Citations will result in fines ranging from $25-$100 depending on the violation:

  • No Parking Permit
  • Parking in “Yellow Zone”
  • Parking in “No Parking Space”
  • Parking in Faculty Area
  • Parking in Visitor’s Space
  • Blocking Other Vehicles: Fine and/or Tow Away
  • Speeding on Campus
  • Reckless Driving on Campus
  • Parking on Landscape: Fine and/or Tow Away
  • One-Way Traffic
  • Improper Parking
  • Handicap Area Violation
  • Other as designated appropriate
    • Noise Violations
    • Litter Violations
    • Emergency Communication Violations
    • Disruptive Behavior (Profane Language)
    • Graffiti on Campus Property
    • Tobacco Use Violation