Academic Suspension/Dismissal Appeal Process

A student who has been academically suspended or dismissed has the right to file an appeal by completing the Academic Suspension/Dismissal Appeal Form available in Pathway.

Students must attach supporting documentation to verify the circumstance for the appeal.
Examples of acceptable reasons for appeal would include:

  • Hospitalization for an extended period of time (doctor’s verification must be attached to appeal).
  • Divorce/separation/family crisis causing extreme hardship (Divorce Decree, Separation Agreement, or other verifiable documents must be attached to appeal).
  • Death or serious illness in the immediate family causing extreme hardship (a verifiable document must be attached to the appeal).
  • Other verifiable circumstances causing hardship and significantly contributing to poor academic performance (a verifiable document must be attached to the appeal).

A. The Academic Suspension/Dismissal Appeal Form along with supporting documentation must be submitted to the Registrar no later than the established deadline for each term (see Calendar for dates). Official communication including the deadline for appeals will be sent to the student’s PTC Live email account. Appeals submitted after the stated deadline will not be considered and the student will not be allowed to enroll.

B. The Academic Appeals Committee will review the appeal form and supporting documentation no later than three (3) workdays after the deadline to submit the appeal.

C. The Committee will decide to either (a) uphold the suspension/dismissal or (b) allow the student to register for the subsequent term. The Committee may also determine if certain conditions will be required for continued enrollment, such as reduced load, academic counseling, tutoring, etc.

D. The student will be notified via their PTC Live email account of the Committee’s decision and any conditions of continued enrollment.

E. If the student’s appeal is denied by the Committee, the student may petition the president, or designee, to allow continued enrollment at the college. This petition must be made before the end of the add/drop period for the subsequent term.